About Us 企業紹介
人によって価値観や基準が異なる このような時代だからこそ、 プロフェッショナルカンパニーとして、 絶対的に良いモノを作り、提案してゆく。
In the era people have their own values and standard,
we’ll manufacture absolutely good products as a Japanese professional company.
We have manufactured products for professional hair salon for over 30 years.
One of founders of SUNTEC suffered from atopic dermatitis when he was young and couldn’t use products for the general.
This experience makes us decide that we’re going to manufacture safe and affectionate products for all the people who have any skin trouble.
We saw recovering of beauticians suffering from rough red hands and believed firmly that
“Good product is tender.” and “Tenderness makes products be superior”.
Since then we have grown the necessary experience and technique for manufacturing which is pursuing
“the products not only tender” with blending and combining blessings of nature and power of science.
We flatter ourselves that we are one of the first company in putting thought into and taking time for each products.
This is the reason why our products and its quality are got rated highly by not only Hair Salons but also many Companies and Brands.
To become a representative of world’s admitting Japanese companies we will continue to develop our products with Japanese unique delicacy and consciousness for details and the passion of manufacturing to be loved for decades.
Product 商品の一覧
世界のファイブスターホテルオーナーラウンジアメニティとして採用される MADE IN JAPAN のヘアケア製品『E STANDARD』
スキンケアクオリティーのヘアケアで 髪が美しく変わっていく感動をより多くの方へWith the pursuit of being good for everything about hair, skin and the environment, E STANDARD, a haircare product that is made in Japan, was chosen by a global five-star hotel as an amenity for its executive lounge.
The product aims to deliver the joy of making your hair beautiful through skincare-quality haircare.
The design of CLOVE,a neutral perm product, was inspired by the ideaof perming hair with water. Together with helping hair stylists who are concerned with caring for the skin on their hands, this perming product is also gentle to the skin and hair. CLOVE can also be used for badly damaged hair whilegiving excellent hold.
Perms and colors won’t have an excellentfinish if the hair is deficient in protein, which is its most important constituent. The perm formula supplies quality protein to condition the hair. By using high-purity, natural ingredients at high concentrations (over 80%), the product creates ideal hair with remarkable feel and touch.
Over 10 million units of this product have been sold since its launch, which is exceptional for a high-end product sold in the drugstore market. NUDY AURA continues to be embraced today as much as it was when first sold in 2008, and is a product that focuses on gentlemildness and rich moisture.
2010年4月クセ毛やダメージヘアを改善し、髪だけでなく頭皮のことまで考えた「LaPudeur」 しなやかな髪へと導く美容成分を贅沢に配合し、2012年10月にリニューアル。髪質、年齢を選ばず、うねりやクセ毛、極度のダメージを補修し、しなやかで、つややかな「潤艶髪」に導きます。
Designed to improve frizzy and damaged hair while also focusing on caring for the scalp as well as the hair, LaPudeur was launched in April 2010.
The product was updated and re-launched in October 2012 with formulated luxuriously cosmetic ingredients to create supple hair. No matter what kind of hair type you have or your age, LaPudeur repairshair that is crinkly, frizzy or badly damaged to build supple, lustrous hair that is moisturized and glamorous.
2013年8月、「やさしさ(低刺激) +うるおい(保湿)」にこだわった商品をより多くの方に届けたいという想いで、 「NUDY AURA/ヌーディオーラ」の遺伝子を受け継いだ、「N.A by NUDY AURA」を発売。発売からわずか1年半で累計約600万本の販売数を記録し、幅広い年齢層に愛される製品です。
N.A by NUDY AURA was launched in August 2013 based on the DNA of NUDY AURA.It is our wish to deliver a product that focuses on gentlemildness and rich moisture as widely as we can. Recording a total of about 6 million in sales after only one and a half years after its launch, the product is loved by fans of all ages.
News ニュース
2025 E STANDARD 第39回 Golden Disc Awards のノベルティに採用されました
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2025 E STANDARD 横浜髙島屋
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2024 E STANDARD 三越伊勢丹 2024年年間ベストコスメセレクションに選出
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2024 E STANDARD 髙島屋 2024年下半期BEST COSMEランクイン
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2024 E STANDARD 玉川髙島屋
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2024 E STANDARD 新商品発売 イイスタンダード トラベルセット
2024年11月15日E STANDARDシリーズよりトラベルセットの新商品が3アイテム発売されます。トラベルセットSTの他のセットも欲しいというお客様のご要望から今回発売が決定い...
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Company 会社概要
株式会社 サンテック産業 Suntec Industry Co,ltd.
- 資本金
- 1,000万円
- 設立
- 1981年6月沿革
- 代表取締役
- 竹内 崇博
- 所在地
- 〒153-0064 東京都目黒区下目黒6-9-22 月光町アパートメント1F-2F
Suntec Industry Co,ltd.
- Capital
- 10,000,000yen
- Founded
- June 11, 1981History
- President and CEO
- Takahiro Takeuchi
- Address
1F-2F Gekkocho Apartment
6-9-22 Shimomeguro, Meguro
Tokyo, Japan 153-0064